This morning the sun was kind. A cold tall glass of water with a thin slice of lemon was the first thing I tasted. Unfolding the pages of Maya Angelou poetry - images, words and inspiration all gathered by my side.
Accepting some leaving others left alone. I wrote them down on neon yellow post-it notes.
Using these offerings as a tool to discover and explore the space that we currently occupy. Through improvisation, movement, spoken word, song and laughter things began to unfold just like reading a great book.
Here are some, images, invitations, scores? I wish to share with you today. I invite you to leave them or let them in. Notice where these images land in your body. Perhaps they don't... Maybe they are to be experienced as a 'small dance', in stillness. Transformed into a story or rewritten.
About confusion:
"You're trying to ask for directions in a foreign language". How can you do this using only the body? Nonverbally.
You have 1000 post-its stuck to your face.
About Confidence:
Superman wears only primary colours.
You're the voice of Donald Trump. (Cockiness instead of confidence?)
About Partnership:
"There is no stronger bond than a common enemy?"
Your dance partner is 82 years old.
You're playing with a Golden retriever puppy.
About Beauty:
You're spine is the last flower left on earth. Nature it during this dance.
You're the voice of Maya Angelou.
A butterfly trapped inside Waterloo Station.
